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The taking-over of the world by Coca-Cola, other huge American products/companies.

"It's just a matter of Coca-Colanization these days."

by Bec December 14, 2003

30πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

no duh!

(can be 'no da!' as well)
A phrase used by many people who were in grade 5 or 6 in 1995. It means a sort of childish 'no shit!' Has been researched extensively by linguists, especially in Australia.

"I reckon it's gonna rain today."
"No duh!"

by Bec December 14, 2003

35πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

make love

sex when taken to a higher ground: the opposite of fucking. usually slow, soft, and sensual. the term is preferred by women, although many use it incorrectly, calling all sex lovemaking. even hard-core dildo cornholing and such whatnots.

We made love for hours in the blue moonlight.

-Did you and Johnny make love last night?
-No, we fucked like rabid monkeys.

by Bec March 27, 2005

598πŸ‘ 353πŸ‘Ž


abreviated term for "Smells like penis"

After Jon pulled his hand from inside his pants and raised it to his nose he said "Oh man! Smenis"
"Did you catch a whif of Dan's breath the other day? It was totally smenis"

by Bec April 15, 2005

2πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


Dumbass, idiot
(Aussie slang)

"It doesn't go in the shed, ya drongo!"

by Bec December 14, 2003

873πŸ‘ 154πŸ‘Ž

Aussie (male)

Someone who would never be so immature as to have written the previous definition.

Aussie males: the hottest, sexiest, most fun men on the planet.

by Bec December 14, 2003

132πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž


slang; a girl who finds herself constantly falling for the wrong guys who her friends think are jerks.

"I can't believe she feel for that bastard, she is such a jerkaholic!"

by Bec April 5, 2005

8πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž