Source Code


A collective noun for the many grammatical, idiomatic and intellectual mistakes commited by the legendary Woody.


Ex #1. "I thought they were speaking Mexican". - Regarding Los Ganados in Resident Evil 4

Ex #2. "Someone'll have to give him RSPCA". - Referring to someone that had passed out.

Ex #3. "Right-wing society? Isn't that when you have Stockholm Syndrome?" - During a discussion about politics.

Ex #4. "Yeeeeeeee!" - Common rebuttal to pretty much any statement.

by Beeth January 23, 2008

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Someone who is sexually attracted to older people.

Pronounced "oh ay peedo".

Guy #1: Dude Madonna is so freaking hot!
Guy #2: Are you serious!? She's like 75!
Guy #1: She's still hot, asshole!
Guy #2: You're such an OAPaedo.

by Beeth September 22, 2007

24πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

tech metal

A growing genre of music that is commonly (and wrongly) referred to as grind or grindcore.

It features fast drumming, guitar riffs that usually don't fit or make sense, and combines elements from other genres, such as rock, freeform jazz, deathcore and sometimes country/western.

Some tech metal bands:
Test Switch Isolator
The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravanganza
The Number 12 Looks Like You
See You Next Tuesday.

by Beeth June 4, 2006

21πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

scattered ass

Many attractive ladies in any defined area.

Guy #1: Shit man, check all that scattered ass all up in that club!
Guy #2: You know we be rollin' up in there.
Guy #1: Hollllaaa!

by Beeth May 6, 2008

30πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A website that defines bands by naming their genre and other such information; thus immortalising this information and making it final.

People visit this site then think they become the TRU MASTAS OF METAL!!!111 because they can read that Pig Destroyer are Grindcore.

Internet guy 1: Dude Cannibal Corpse are pretty good.
Internet guy 2: lol no i dunt like gore metal.
Internet guy 1: CC is death metal.
Internet guy 2: ermm dont fink so metal-archives said it's death/gore metal so there not death metal idiot!

by Beeth January 17, 2006

98πŸ‘ 59πŸ‘Ž

90th minute

The last minute in which something can change. Used most frequently in sports.

1. Commentator: "And Man United have scored a penalty in the 90th minute to win the game!"

2. Guy #1: "Dude, where's Kyle?"
Guy #2: "He was supposed to come, but he pulled out in the 90th minute."
Guy #1: "What a tool."

by Beeth November 30, 2007

5πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Real Hustle

n. "The Real Hustle".
An English program on BBC3 depicting a group of confidence tricksters pulling different scams and hoaxes, in order to warn the public of possible scammers or con men.

v. "To Real Hustle".
The act of repeating something one has seen on the aforementioned program. For example, pickpocketing.

1: Guy 1: "Dude did you catch 'The Real Hustle' last night?"
Guy 2: "Yeah it was okay, but who the hell wants to steal pens!?"
Guy 1: "It was a sweet pen".

2: Guy 1: "Dude watch out for that shifty man walking around, he might real hustle you."

3: Guy 1: "Dude I totally real hustled some guy on the dancefloor and stole me a fiver!".
Guy 2: "Sweet! Let me hold a dolla'".

by Beeth October 7, 2007

11πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž