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so daddy

when something is especially good
or beneficial to you

"yo that party last night was so daddy."

by BeevyStee March 15, 2009

22👍 4👎

Milton Mass

short for Milton Massacre, it is a set from JTown with the biggest bunch of punk bitches out there
also known as Milton Mafia but either way they dont go hard
Milton Mass was founded by a true wanksta commonly called Koch,
him, Clifford and Boneyard rep it to the fullest but cannot back it up with basketball skills, freestyle skills, or pretty much anything except a good couple tags

Milton Mass can also be used as an adjective

" F!@# Milton Mass!!!"


"Look at that Milton Mass bitch"

by BeevyStee March 15, 2009

15👍 8👎


a black womans vagina
brown on the outside
pink on the inside
like meatloaf

"That looks like one fine piece of meatloaf right therr"

by BeevyStee January 4, 2009

63👍 68👎

weak satchels

hurtin bags of bud
under a .7 for $20

homie 1 :"yo that shit mickey gave us was like a half a gram"
homie 2 : "yeh bro he got such weak satchels"

by BeevyStee March 15, 2009