Source Code

Pork chop chop

When a man who is having anal sex with a woman or another man and when the pitcher is close to ejaculation will karate chop the person on the neck to tighten up their sphinkster muscle achieving increased pleasure for the pitcher but causing the catcher pain.

Bob gave Ted the pork chop chop last night.

by Ben November 17, 2003

9πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A bunch of faggots who think they are tough, yet the are scared to fight anyone unless they outnumber the other person at least three to one. They are just a group of losers that came together one day because someone realized if you could get all the losers into one group then maybe they could feel good about themselves.

Any loser wearing an ICP t-shirt.

by Ben February 14, 2005

297πŸ‘ 236πŸ‘Ž

John Kerry

A fuckhead who thankfully lost the election in November.

America is now safer since John Kerry lost the election.

by Ben February 17, 2005

121πŸ‘ 791πŸ‘Ž

da shit

Meanign the best of the best, nothing is better.

that girls ass is da shit

by Ben December 17, 2004

94πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


Uninterruptible Power Supply

We are going so put a UPS on the server so it does not go offline when the power goes out.

by Ben May 10, 2005

240πŸ‘ 93πŸ‘Ž


Stupid person

your a daft bugger aren't you shit face

by Ben October 8, 2003

66πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž


achin to get fucked.

Skyeesha's pussy is ripe as fuc

by Ben December 19, 2002

160πŸ‘ 84πŸ‘Ž