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kept man

a white boy from the suburbs that marries a rich lady. His job is to pleasure her and be eye candy. She in returns takes care of all his financial needs.

Ben marries Carmen Electra. He gives her every thing that she needs physicaly and she gives him every thing he needs financialy. Ben is Carmen's kept man.

by BenRoss June 22, 2006

235👍 49👎


Goonzman is a tall, blond man with a drinking problem. They will often be found playing vidja games, while hittin a fatty lip and drinkin some form of alcohol.

Bean: Yo goonzman pass me that tin and slide me some booze. I'll grab the stick and we can play halo until we cant function any longer.

Goonzman: That is the best idea you have had all day Bean...all day

by BenRoss June 22, 2006

5👍 2👎


Video Games. The act of using controlors to work a console controlled system which provides pure enjoyment for mind and soul

Halo, MLB 2006, FIFA world cup.

Bean and Goonzman played vidja games all night.

by BenRoss June 22, 2006

68👍 35👎