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Someone so perfect and undescriblely BEAUTIFUL. He is amazing,understanding,kind,funny, sweet, modest,fashionable, athletic, and well-rounded person out their. He is one of a kind. If you are called a bennie it is the best compliment out their,unfortunately there is only one true bennie tho

Omg ben Robinson is such a bennie

by Bennielover111 October 8, 2019

48👍 19👎

Bennie (Ben)

Someone so perfect and undescriblely BEAUTIFUL. He is amazing,understanding,kind,funny, sweet, modest,fashionable, athletic, and well-rounded person out their. He is one of a kind. If you are called a bennie it is the best compliment out their,unfortunately there is only one true bennie tho

Omg he is such a bennie (Ben)

by Bennielover111 October 20, 2019