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Someone who is broke and needs money. ( kind of referring to when an addict needs a fix and scratches)

Keisha: Hey girl you wana go get lunch together
Sal: sorry girl I'm scratchy today.
Keisha: it's ok girl I'm got ya today.
Sal: thanks girl!

by Bermudagold March 29, 2015

4👍 2👎

Meep Mop

Someone who looks like a thug but is really a nerd

Ki ki: Girl check that guy out he's fine.
Le Le: pssh girl that guys a real meep mop.

by Bermudagold March 29, 2015

11👍 20👎

Meep Mop

A person who is good looking but has nothing to offer

person 1: Hey girl check that guy out he is so cute.
person2: Girl, I know him you don't want that guy. He is a real meep mop.
person1: Serz

by Bermudagold March 30, 2015

9👍 18👎