Source Code

Sigma Andrew Tate Patrick Bateman Only in Ohio 😂😂😂😂🥶🥶🥶🥶💀💀💀

a term used by 8 year olds with an attention span of 0.1 seconds.

It's their only insult to use. They also use this as a comment for a video that is meaningful and/or sad.

Commenter: "Hey *Insert youtuber*, remember me? We were friends for a long time. I yesterday found out i had cancer and i'm gonna miss you. My family is working hard to fund my Make-A-Wish. If i die i'm sorry for letting you down."

Random 8 year old: "Sigma Andrew Tate Patrick Bateman Only in Ohio 😂😂😂😂🥶🥶🥶🥶💀💀💀"

These people do not care about others and they think they're sigmas.

by Bertushka620 September 1, 2023

16👍 2👎


A teacher who often drinks tea at home or during class or they like tea. Teechairs have other drink variants like Coffeechers and Winechers.

Other terms for Teechairs include: Teachairs, Sensei of Tea and Overlord of the Seven Teas.

Student 1: God damnit! Our drink of the year is tea again. They promised us the drink of the year was gon' be milk!
Student 2: Whoever this teacher was who made it the drink of the year is a real Teechair.

by Bertushka620 September 1, 2023

Country Neighbor

Somebody who lives in a country next to/ near yours.

Person: "Hey what country are you from? I'm Polish"
Person2: "Oh nice, i'm Ukranian."
Person: "Hey wait you're my Country Neighbor!"
Person2: "That's neat!"

by Bertushka620 September 9, 2023


👺 is an emoji you can use to respond to something that you dont know how to respond to.

Friend: Yo bro wassup look at this pic (shows a picture)
Friend2: 👺

by Bertushka620 August 20, 2023


When you finally get something only for something to happen to it and/or turn out worse than expected.

Person: "Bro there was this game i spent hours waiting outside of Gamestop at 1 A.M i was supposed to go to school and when i bought the game and tried it, it was dogshit!,
Person 2: "Dang you just got carped."

by Bertushka620 September 1, 2023


Used to describe a person who does foolish things on the internet. Dregs often say racist things or do evil things.

Also alongside "Dreg", you can pair it with: "Rot in the dungeon" or "You know you're a dreg when you get sent to the dungeon".

People who are dregs never see the light of day, their only light is the cracks in the ceiling.

Student: "Guys i just posted videos of me bullying these goofy lookin mfs look at em LOL ROFL"
Student 2: "Dude, you bullied a group of black and asian guys just hangin' out. You had the AUDACITY to make fun of their culture. Rot in the dungeon."
Student 3: "How much of a dreg are you to the point where bullying people who arent your race is funny. Like i get it JRPGs have dreg enemies but they didnt need a dreg like you."
Student 4: "You know you're a dreg when you get sent to the dungeon."

by Bertushka620 September 1, 2023

Clout Sucker

A person, more commonly a youtuber, who sucks clout out of a certain thing like a mosquito.

Youtuber: "Why am i getting not so many views i have depression, ADHD, anxiety and ligma! I need views!!!"
Random 13 year old from Canada: "Maybe if you didnt suck clout out of depression you would get views, and if you made better videos. You are like a mosquito you are a Clout Sucker"

by Bertushka620 September 4, 2023