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The one thing that keeps me killin' y'all!

I'd smash your skull, but God says not to.

by Betterthanyouguy November 11, 2004

29πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž


Just plain queer. Excuse for effiminate men to wear dresses and put on makeup.

Cosplayers are best cured with soap and a Bible.

by Betterthanyouguy March 27, 2005

271πŸ‘ 800πŸ‘Ž


Loud bitch at Protwest Warrior Forums.

Oh man, she bitched like shudder.

by Betterthanyouguy September 15, 2004

14πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Detective Comics

A company that has been unable to cope with the fact that they have been collectivly owned by Stan Lee and Marvel for the past 60 years and makes that crappy Dawsons Creek rip-off Teen Titans: Outsiders book that reeks of try-hard teen melodrama.

Superman: Please let me in the Avengers!
Captain America: No way freak! Youère like Ted Kennedy with muscles!

by Betterthanyouguy December 3, 2004

8πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


The stupidest hobby since dancing. Combine the geekiness of DnD with the fruitiness of improv theatre, and you're in the ball park. LARP should be discouraged in all it's forms, though LARPers are as fun to laugh at as those cosplay freaks.

LARPers are social outcasts who need real lives.

by Betterthanyouguy March 27, 2005

145πŸ‘ 363πŸ‘Ž


Someone who wasted the money their parents paid to get them through college.

I majored in philosophy, would like fries with that?

by Betterthanyouguy November 11, 2004

76πŸ‘ 187πŸ‘Ž

United Nations

A tool of the devil if ever their was one.

The biography of the united nations is avaliable in the Biblical book of Revelations.

by Betterthanyouguy November 22, 2004

106πŸ‘ 76πŸ‘Ž