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A teacher with abnormally large tits who looks like a pigeon.

Look boys, It's pidgeotto!

by BigDickBear445 June 13, 2019

3👍 4👎


A replacement for a hot teacher, who looks like a donkey.

Stoble look like a donkey (in Mexican voice)

by BigDickBear445 June 13, 2019

fan it

A common expression used as a way to tell an autistic kid to chuck shit (usually fruit) in an air conditioning unit fan which is attached to a building next to a school fence.

Fan it you retarded cunt

by BigDickBear445 June 13, 2019

lebbo spit

When a leb is preparing to spit and you hear the "hccccaaaaaaaaaa" sound for a lengthy period of time and then you see a giant projectile of spit launching from their mouth and it usually has pieces of tuna and their dad's foreskin in it.

Watch out he's gonna do a lebbo spit

by BigDickBear445 June 13, 2019