Source Code

Scrappy Doo

When a person runs up and violently sprays an unsuspecting person with diarrhea, then yells "Puppy Power!" and slaps them in the face.

I just ate a bunch ov laxatives and I'm going too give that jackass over there a Scrappy Doo.

by BigEvil13 March 14, 2015

61πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Angry Snapper

When a person goes down to perform oral sex on a person and instead forcefully bites the clitoris/penis like a snapping turtle.

Brent sent Kelvin to the hospital last night after giving him an Angry Snapper. The damage is severe.

by BigEvil13 March 26, 2015

Chocolate Turnover

The act of shitting in someones anus.

I'm going to give you a chocolate turnover tonight.

by BigEvil13 December 6, 2010

32πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Angry Hancock

While giving a hand-job, you hammer fist the man's testicles as he ejaculates.

"Don't go in there!", Terry is about to give Kelvin an Angry Hancock.

by BigEvil13 February 4, 2015

Taffy Pull

A man gets his penis pulled with moderate too severe force.

Vince, get your ass over here and give me another taffy pull.

by BigEvil13 March 9, 2015

26πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Strawberry Fudge Pop

A sex act. When a person shits in someones anus, then inserts their penis into the anus and screws it until it bleeds, then the person pulls out their penis and puts it into the other persons mouth.

Don't kiss her, James gave her a strawberry fudge pop last night.

by BigEvil13 December 6, 2010

30πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Raspberry Tart

A sex act where one person buries their face into another person's asshole and frantically gnaws on flesh and fecal matter while making raspberry sounds and moving their head side too side.

I've got too floss my teeth again. I just gave Steven a Raspberry Tart for the fourth time in a row today.

by BigEvil13 March 5, 2015

32πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž