Source Code

ass chips

Chips that take like somebody's butt.

Your breath smells like you just ate some ass chips.

by Black_Spade June 18, 2008

17πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

You Could Be Mine

A song by the hard rock group Guns N' Roses

I was listening to You Could Be Mine on the radio the other day and it gave me an Eargasm

by Black_Spade July 11, 2008

31πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


What any fat person does after three jumping jacks.


by Black_Spade July 18, 2008

29πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

Eighteen Visions

One of my personal favorite bands. Started out as a metalcore group but abandoned their old sound on their last two albums. Unfortunately, they're broken up.

Why oh why did they have to break up? Please get back together Eighteen Visions!

by Black_Spade July 16, 2008

17πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


A band that punk ass metal fans don't like because one of their albums entered the Billboard top 40. They didn't copy Metallica. Metallica might've influenced their some of their work.

Fake Metal Fan:Fuck trivium!!! Sellouts! All they care about is money! That's why they're so popular!

Smart Person: Can't blame them for writing music that people actually want to listen to.

by Black_Spade July 16, 2008

473πŸ‘ 260πŸ‘Ž

The Roots

Uhm... They're not much. Just the greatest god damned hip-hop group of the 90s. I'm listening to "Things Fall Apart" right now, and I'm seriously in awe at how much better this is than any other rap album that's ever been released in the history of music.

Person A: Yo sunnn! I jus kawpped fiddy's nu owl bum 2day. Wut ju git wit yo munny sun?

Person B: Something that's actually worth listening to. I bought an album by "The Roots".

Person A: Aint nobody wunna heer dat shyt sun. put dat shyt away.

Person B: Listen to this.

Person A: Damn, I can't believe I waisted 4 years of my life lsitening to that 50 Cent trash when I could've been indulging my brain in intelligent hip-hop like this. I'm even using proper grammar now.

by Black_Spade July 17, 2008

124πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Smooth Jazz

Apparently, everyone who's put a definition for smooth jazz is an incompetent moron. Smooth jazz requires the same amount of effort and work as any other type of jazz. Smooth jazz is usually more creative and innovative.

Stupid Person: L0l!!!!11!1 smo0the jass iz 4 elavait0rzz!!!11!1 lyzzen 2 sum reel gazz lyke mylezz daivus!!!11!1

Smooth Jazz is just as good as regular jazz.

by Black_Spade July 18, 2008

43πŸ‘ 104πŸ‘Ž