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When a group of individuals, the majority of which are within an arms length of each other, are engaged in a raging Facebook troll battle in the comments sections.

Oh wow, those to guys sitting there are totally facebiangling their friend.

Look at at that facebiangle! So funny.

"You guys are sitting right next to each other, why are you ganging up on that poor Facebook soul?"
"It's a Facebiangle bro... can't stop the troll".

by Blah_Blah_Blah_Blink_Blah May 27, 2014


Often used in conjunction ith the term "Plumbers Crack" or "Grand Peeping Canyon". It refers to the degree of inter-buttock definition visible above the trouser line of an individual.

"Man, do you see the amount of creats on that guy over there... thats one hell of a Plumbers Crack."
"No bro, that's more of a Grand Peeping Canyon"

Hey dude, you have some creats showing there, care to pull your pants up?

by Blah_Blah_Blah_Blink_Blah December 18, 2013

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