Source Code


The thing that gives you (almost) trustable information for work, and what teachers don't allow students to use.

Teacher: "Ok class you can search up the info anywhere"
Me: "Ok ill open wikipedia"
Teacher: Don't use that! they can edit information"

by Blaze, Agent Blaze . . . August 10, 2020


1. A country in western Europe, bordered with the English channel and Belgium in the North, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy in the East, and Spain in the South
2. A country that loves to surrender

1. Where did you buy that champanye? i bought it from France
2. Haha France surrendered in WW2

by Blaze, Agent Blaze . . . August 10, 2020

Comment War

A war that started when assholes have different opinions, usually happens on chatting apps (Discord, Whatsapp), Instagram, or Youtube video comments

Asshole 1: "Java better, bedrock gay"
Someone: "Fuck you!"
Asshole 2: "No, fuck you! he is right!"
Some dude: "Minecraft is Minecraft!"
Asshole 1: "No Java is superior!"
Some dude: "you have started a comment war!"

by Blaze, Agent Blaze . . . August 11, 2020

2👍 1👎

Side Switcher

(1) People in games who switches sides with the other side, for example, when a friend is playing Team A but he swapped sides and now he is in Team B
(2) Italy in both world wars

Me: *switches side to enemy team*
Friend: "What a side switcher!"
"In WW1, Italy switched sides to the Entente"
"In WW2, Italy also switched sides, this time its to the Allies"
Me: "Damn Italy is a side switcher"

by Blaze, Agent Blaze . . . August 27, 2020

2👍 1👎

Face Mask

(1) Typical surgical or medical equipment used in the face, used by surgeons and doctors to protect the mouth and the nose from microorganisms and or air droplets from patients, made from cloth and air filters, mostly used during the COVID-19 Pandemic to stop the spread of the Virus
(2) The thing Americans, especially Karens think will iNfRiNgE tHeIr RiGHtS

Government: Wear a Face mask to protect yourself!
Random Karen: NO! mAsKs iNfRinGE mY rIgHtS!
Intellectuals: My friend, you seem to have lost this *Hands over brain*

by Blaze, Agent Blaze . . . August 27, 2020

19👍 31👎