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Originally from the expression dat ass, in which the targeted female derriere is said to induce an emotional response of amazement and/or attraction.

The same principle applies, except the 'ass' is replaced by whatever object is source of the impression. Plural version can also be used ("dem ...", see Example 3).

Can also be used in a sarcastic way with respect to the above utilization. (See Example 4, 5)

Example 1:
"Hey man, have you seen this awesome dancer?"
"Oh wow, dat skill."

Example 2:
Friends watching Starcraft 2 streams:
"Dat micro"

Example 3:
When a new movie/video game is released with insane graphics:
"dat CG" or "dat graphics" or "dem graphics" (plural version)

Example 4:
Dota2/LoL context, when referring to a hero as being terrible/bad:
"dat <hero name here>"

Example 5:
When watching two snails racing against each other:
"dat speed"

Example 6:
Big boobs are being displayed.
"dem boobies"

by BlkBox December 4, 2012

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