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George W. Bush

War criminal and worst President in the history of the United States. Bush did not win his first run for President, but was handed the Presidency by the Supreme Court (in the worst decision they ever made). Bush started a war based on lies, destroyed the economy, allowed corporations to destroy the environment and exploit the middle class and working poor, attempted to pass viciously homophobic laws, attacked women's rights, and ruined the reputation of the United States. He is hated all over the world. When his reign of terror ended the world celebrated.

George W. Bush used homophobia and fear to convince stupid people to vote for him.

by BluBoi1976 September 11, 2011

1587👍 139👎


A man or male identified individual that does not conform to heterosexual/heterosexist masculine behaviors. This person may or may not behave or dress in a way that others label as feminine, although the tomgirl may not use those labels or agree with them. A tomgirl is not ashamed of femininity and takes pride in who they are. Often times more sensitive, compassionate, and emotionally secure than other types of men.

Tomgirls make excellent best friends, they don't do the usual annoying things that masculine men like to do.

by BluBoi1976 August 1, 2011

541👍 208👎

Al Gore

Former Vice President (45th Vice President), Global Warming/Environmental Activist, Author, Businessman, Academy Award Winner, Prime Time Emmy Award Winner, Nobel Peace Prize Winner, and winner of other various awards including a Grammy. Won the 2000 Presidential race but was forced to concede to incompetent, racist, homophobic, gold digging shit for brains Bush due to unfair and idiotic Supreme Court decision. He has his own website and more respect and admiration than Bush will ever get.

It's a shame that Al Gore wasn't allowed to be the President of the United States, instead we got stuck with that retarded shit for brains bible thumping cowboy Bush.

by BluBoi1976 August 6, 2011

3241👍 441👎