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Lines of cocaine.

Often referred to as a codename or by just talking about a snake infestation in the bathroom.

"Bro we should do something crazy tonight!"
"How about some snakes then?"


"Bro you have to check out the bathroom. it is full of snakes!"

by Blugie August 16, 2023

1👍 2👎


Almost like "VOLAPYK" but something that is clearly understood in a friend group. To outsiders it sounds like nonsense but for the friends who understands it makes total sense. Flufiparf is like a language and often includes words not present in any real language.

"What the hell are those people even saying?"
"I have no idea.. but they seem to be understanding each other, so it is probably flufiparf."

by Blugie August 16, 2023

Chief Exterminator

The guy that does drugs like it is candy

"How did we do so many drugs in only an hour!?"
"What did you expect? you invited the chief exterminator!"

by Blugie August 16, 2023