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1. Intentional mispelling of wordyouword for ironic effect. Typically used to indicate sub-par intelligence on the part of the implied "you."

yuo = fag

by Bob Goatse October 1, 2002

156👍 101👎


Licking the Anus of another person.

Stop rimming me, now give me a blowjob

by Bob Goatse November 21, 2002

2049👍 1036👎


1) To cause someone to inadvertantly navigate to the website of the same name

1) I thought it was link for Amazon, but after I clicked the link at work I realized I have been goatse'd.

by Bob Goatse October 1, 2002

2876👍 1413👎


A large, round turd.

These lads from Edmonton had a contest to see who could birth the biggest log.

by Bob Goatse October 4, 2002

22👍 204👎


A place or political contest full of clowns.

The current Bozoleum for the democratic presidential nomination has 9 participants.

by Bob Goatse October 13, 2003

9👍 6👎