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darawiish nationalism

Darawiish nationalism refers to a nationalistic allegiance towards SSC-Khatumo state

he depicted his darawiish nationalism in various manners

by Bobbystrurrew May 16, 2023


Dervishification is to promote the culture of the SSC-Khatumo community, such as repairing the fortifications of the Dhulbahante garesas, the garad-based community, the horse as an emblem etc.

they were in favor of dervishification

by Bobbystrurrew May 16, 2023


Puntitology is the study of the land of Punt, the study of Puntites and the study of primeval Horn of Africa, especially the study of Bronze Age and Iron Age regions of modern day Puntland and Eritrea.

she studies Puntitology

by Bobbystrurrew September 28, 2023


A eurasiacentrist is someone who propagates the idea that Eurasians and Eurasia are more important than non-Eurasians. The Eurasiacentrist typically focuses on solely Eurasia, by believing that only caucasoids and mongoloids are capable of being constructive, or only they are capable of civilization.

she's a eurasiacentrist

by Bobbystrurrew September 23, 2023


to be dervishized means you are well-acquainted with SSC-Khatumo customs and traditions, such as the Garad & Harti culture, the horse and fortifications of Dhulbahante garesas as an emblem etc.

she was thoroughly dervishized

by Bobbystrurrew May 16, 2023

jamaahiir darawiish

jamaahiir darawiish refers to the SSC-Khatumo community

they're the jamaahiir darawiish

by Bobbystrurrew May 16, 2023

Horner people

Horner people are Horn African people with black skin but with Eurasian phenotypical facial features

they Horner people

by Bobbystrurrew September 24, 2023