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Caileigh is the most beautiful person that you will ever see. She is very shy, but when you get to know her, she's very funny, smart, and fun. She is also outgoing. She is very nice and sweet. She is very open to her friends. She is very charming, and she's able to convince anybody to fall for her.

Person #1: "Dude... I think I like Caileigh, but I don't think she likes me back."
Person #2: "She probably likes you too, but you will never know until you ask. Ask her out!!

by Bootylick123 December 21, 2018

39👍 5👎


hub is slang for "how you've been." it's usually used in texting.

Rebecca: Hey girl, hub.
Megan: I've been good. How about you?

by Bootylick123 March 31, 2019

7👍 4👎