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The Agents

The Agents are a big federal organization which hunts down outlaws and paranoid teenagers or adults

For a normal and sober person they are fictional or blend in very well in our world but actually they are rouge creations made by the ushevite

The only real way to know if the agents are hunting you is to be tripping balls. When you finally see them it is common to experience intense panic or paranoia for a few seconds, thinking that they will bust yo ass but this symptom can be easily avoided if you rush to a safe house
If you start to see The Agents even when you are completely sober it is likely that you suffer from the agent disease which can lead to non-stop paranoia, fear, nausea or the feeling to be non-stop high so you can sense the agents from a larger radius

Doro: I am hungry wanna go grab something to eat?
Mario: Nah bro I think that the agents are coming for me I'm going home

by Bradorko March 24, 2019

15👍 2👎


Munchos is friend who loves to get Munchies while he is stoned

He is also very wise and knows the meaning of life

Likes to trip on acid and other drugs
Usually a complete debil or an izrod
It is common that he enjoys boxing or any kind of fighting sport

Doro: Oh is that the infamous Munchos?
Sanko: He sure does look like one, lets get high and go grab the munchies with him

by Bradorko March 18, 2019

37👍 3👎