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A person who will randomly add themselves to your conversation. Can also be used as a verb.

"God, Katie's such a chime"
"Chime out please, Nikki"

by BreathingCompass February 11, 2010

33👍 16👎


The biggest hole known to man. Even the politicians don't stay for long, and no one outside of Australia knows that it exists.

Guy 1: Dude, I'm going to Canberra this weekend.
Guy 2: WHY?!
Guy 1: They're having an Impressionists exhibition.
Guy 2: Why don't you just save up and go see it in Paris?!

by BreathingCompass February 5, 2010

73👍 80👎


Amazing band from Melbourne, Australia.

"Man, I saw Rainbird at the Espy last night! They were iNsAnE!"

by BreathingCompass February 5, 2010

1👍 1👎