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See: Serve

1. To be dressed in such a fabulous manner, it's beyond a serve, and becomes a swerve, henny!

2. To bring it in such a way, that even a normie in the street can't help but take notice and gag

the heels, and the wig and the gown??? thats a to-tal SWERVE!!!

by Brodi February 18, 2021


A replacement for the word 'fucking' used in on the internet and in chatrooms, usually to avoid trouble from an admin or moderator.

You are such a facking moron

by Brodi November 11, 2005

143👍 89👎


When you witness something so amazing, you're at a loss for words

When she came walking into the club wearing that outfit, I gagged!

by Brodi February 18, 2021

266👍 25👎