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1. An extremely offensive slur used predominantly to Pakistanis or those of Pakistani descent. Started off as a slur in the 1960's against South asians as a whole, but now used mostly against Pakistanis, even by other South asians themselves.

2. Pakistanis can only reclaim this slur and predominantly use it as slang or jokes. Not to be said by any other South asian eg indians or bengalis. Ask any Pakistani and they will tell you it's for Pakistanis only

3. It is a slur and it is offensive, and no its not like "brit" because brit was never used as a slur and never will. No other South asians cannot use it as they've literally used it against us, and the rule applies to this as it does to Chinese people only being allowed to reclaim the c slur.

No the shop down the road that is run by a Pakistani man isn't the "paki- shop" and calling it that is racist.

How it's been said to me:

"Fuck off you paki filth"
"Dirty paki"
"Built like a paki"
"Pakis are dirt they will never be like indians"

Other uses:
Pakistani friends: "penny for a paki?"

" hahahaha"

"wassupp pakiii"


by Brokenrecord101 August 5, 2021

63👍 47👎


1. It is used against alot of South asians. But its most offensively used against Pakistanis. ***only Pakistanis can say this word*** because the word is *meant* for them, and even tho other South asians can be mixed up with them, its still just for Pakistanis. You could say its similar to the c slur, which is used against Chinese people specially, but other East asians get called it too. Because this word is specially for Chinese people, only they can reclaim it. Well its the same for the use of paki.

2. Many other South asians, white people, and black people use this word against people of Pakistani origin, and most Pakistanis have been called it by a non-pakistani before.

3. The word first originated as a slur in the 1960's, and is still used today. No, its not a shortened term of Pakistani, its a slur only Pakistanis can reclaim.

White person :"Let's go to the paki shop"
Indian : "pakis are disgusting" - and yes this has been said by numerous indians and Bangladeshis i have spoken to, and in tik tok comments :/
Pakistani person: "Oii paki come here"
Pakistani person: "You're my favourite paki"

by Brokenrecord101 June 19, 2021