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At night when all the world is sleeping, fairies and pizies come out to play (seethumbalina); they can't use toilets.. because I mean, who has out door toilets small enough for a fairie to use?.. anyways, they miniture peterpan lovers take a leak on your lawn. Then you go outside and walk on it, you sick fuck!

Aw dude! Look at me spell my name in the grass with my dew!

by BruisesOnHerEgo June 1, 2005

29👍 112👎


a misguided sociopath who wouldn't harm a fly; however you are not a fly, you are a human being who he is plotting to cut up with a chainsaw in his basement; he usually kills the black person first, then the people who have had sex, then the males that aren't very important.. the virgin girl usually escapes his wrath, however..

The murderer is my friend because I'm a virgin.

by BruisesOnHerEgo June 1, 2005

234👍 55👎

go-go girl

hoochie-mama who dances for the pleasure of men (and some women); these women have low self esteem, low pay, and an ass that feels like a pin cushin.. be nice to the brightly colored and feathered go-go girl

that lady who lives down the blook who you often see sneaking to the local theatre

by BruisesOnHerEgo June 1, 2005

67👍 104👎