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chump change

The point about chump change, in the sense of money, is that the amount varies with the context. For the divorced papa paying child support, a job that pays $9 an hour offers chump change. For the 50-year-old laid off after 20 years' service, a severance package of $200,000 is chump change. What would count as chump change Cf. rounding off money.

I work 20 years for chump change and what do I get when I leave? Chump change.

by Buce September 25, 2005

108πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž


As a noun, the list of weblogs (blogs) on your blog that you like, or otherwise want to commend.

As a verb, the tactic of listing another's weblog in the hope that this will induce them to link to yours. Cf. if you don't go to other people's funerals, they won't come to yours.

You want links? Blogroll me!

by Buce September 20, 2005

37πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Sometimes, only a cigar.

Sometimes a cigar is only a cigar.--Freud

by Buce July 31, 2005

626πŸ‘ 208πŸ‘Ž


An inspirationally sculpted backside, often, though not inevitably, female--sufficiently compelling to disencumber the customer of his (sometimes her) money or good sense. In an golden age of amateurism, perhaps obsolete.

Put on your old grey bustle
And get out and hustle
For tomorrow the rent is due!

In the fields of clover
Let the boys look you over--
If you can't get five, take two.


by Buce July 1, 2005

159πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


Well, I thought it stood for "no further message"--something to add to the subject line to an email, when the subject line is the email, to save the recipient the nuisance of opening the, um, message. If it does not mean this, it should.

And the mule you road in on, NFM

by Buce July 30, 2005

153πŸ‘ 44πŸ‘Ž

rounding off money

In high school math, the stuff after the zero. In high society, a sum, no matter how large, too small to impress the person you want to impress. Cf. chump change.

He left her with $5 million, but in their crowd, that is just rounding off money.

by Buce September 25, 2005

7πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Bathrobe investor

Guy who gets up about 11 and settles on the patio overlooking the ocean, with his laptop, (in his terry-cloth robe). His 19-year-old assistant brings him a bloody Mary. He says "thanks" in a tone of benign abstraction while he scrolls through his portfolio.

I talked to my bathrobe investors and they had never heard of this guy so I figure he must be a fake.

by Buce September 15, 2005

13πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž