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Bus transport: A (usually highly expereinced) driver who stands by at the depot to cover runs when the allocated driver or bus is sick, or an extra bus is needed for other reasons.
When not being scattered (the verb of covering a run) the scatter may complete other task such as orgainising, refueling or cleaning buses in the yard, answering the telephone or basic but important paperwork.

The school got their passenger numbers wrong again. Name, I need you to scatter to school name} stat.

by Busnut September 29, 2020


Australian slang for 'goverment bus'.
A bus formerly for run by the goverment operator e.g. State Transit and now used for charter work.
Applies mostly to the venerable Mercedes O305, but now also used to describe other ex-Government buses, including the Ansair Orana's

That bloody govy bus broke down again. Who's our scatter for today?

by Busnut September 29, 2020