Source Code


To disassemble, reassemble, reconfigure and generally improve the operation of a computer system. Usually done in response to system failure or corruption.

Hey, if you're free this weekend, could you help me rebless my old Compaq?

by BvO November 20, 2003

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a dialect of the english language that has developed recently in human history, largely due to the popularity of instant messaging.

A contraction derived from "IM" (Instant Message) and "English."

The young people of today have abandoned the fine literature and culture of their forebears and have instead adopted a dumbed down culture. They have even gone so far as to replace the gracious English language with what they call Imgrish.

by BvO November 20, 2003

13πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


the act of creating a new word

"I couldn't think of a word that meant what I wanted to say, so I made one up, and it really works. I guess I just committed an act of etymogenesis. Neat."

by BvO November 1, 2003

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cyberspace euphemism for pornography

intended to foil automated site-blocking software

he spends most of his nights surfing pr()n

by BvO April 23, 2003

44πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

milk bubbles

placeing your lips on a lactating females breasts and blowing to make a fart noise...

<wife> What do you want to do tonight?
<husband> Lets stay home and make milk bubbles!

by BvO April 28, 2005

8πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

your mom

an abstract concept loosely affiliated with notions of the intended audience's maternal figure.

normally expressed as an intended slight on said maternal figure. often serves as indication of the end of a conversation.

X: That is one very fat farm animal.
Y: You're a fat farm animal.
X: I'll show you a fat farm animal.
Y: Your mom is a fat farm animal.

by BvO April 23, 2003

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Having been disassembled, reassembled, reconfigured and generally improved. A condition a computer may experience after prolonged contact with a geek.

I'm so glad my computer is working properly again. I'd forgotten how quick it used to be. I should have had it reblessed ages ago.

by BvO November 20, 2003

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