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A person coming from the Dominican Republic. THEY ARE NOT TAINOS (native americans) YOU FUCKING MORONS THEY DIED OUT. Dominicans come in all shades and consist of mainly 2 races. Black and Caucasian. Some Dominicans have more white or caucasian ancestry while some may have more black or african ancestry which would explain why we come in so many shades. Another large race is asian, but asians usually breed within their own race.

We are considered latino/hispanic due to our Spanish ancestry but unless you're a completely UNMIXED Dominican, you ARE INFACT BLACK and WHITE, you retards.

I'm light skinned, my Mom's grandparents, and father were spanish, but my dad has black and spanish ancestry, I'm Dominican.

I'm dark skinned, but my great grandparents were spaniards, so i'm black and white, but still dominican.

by C.M.M.T. May 24, 2008

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