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gumbo mix

The act of eating skittles by a handful. Typically without looking at the flavors/colors you chose

Sales Lady: "you just mixed em all up again!"

Marshawn: "I know i had to get a little gumbo mix going on."

~Watch "Marshawn Lynch sells Skittles on EVINE Live" where this term originates from.


by CAKE_CMK! January 28, 2017

vinegar strokes

When one masturbates and is on the brink of orgasm and one knows they can't hold it back any longer the face that follows is known as Vinegar Strokes

Jon: Yo man, I came so hard yesterday and my girl took a picture of my face!

Josh: HA! lemme see the picture!?--WHOA! nice VINEGAR STROKES bro!

by CAKE_CMK! February 28, 2016