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(to be) welf

To borrow relentlessly from others but have the means to buy for oneself. To be a chronic moocher. Based on North American slang for 'collecting welfare' (to be on benefits) but not deserve it.

Heh, could I bum a cigarette from you guys? Forgot mine at home..
(Takes cigarette, smiles and walks away.)
Shit, that guy is so welf. He never has his own smokes, bums my beer when he comes over but always has cash to buy some chick a drink. What a fucker!

by CJS December 25, 2004


Means the same thing as "sure."

Him: You didn't really slap that boy, did you?
Me: I shove did.

by CJS December 5, 2003

38👍 124👎

(to be) finneagled

To have been conned out of something. To have been convinced by a finneagler to party with something of value. To have been the target of a con man's finneagle.

Man, it happened again. She saunters over, pouts her lips, squeezes her tits together, leans close and whispers in my ears and, bang!, my cash for the night is gone. I've been finneagles again!

by CJS December 25, 2004

6👍 3👎


From the Latin word Radix meaning "root" or "source," referring to that force which gives rise to all movement , feeling and growth in a person and in life. It is the life force...chi...prana...that united body, mind, emotions and spirit. A very spirited & energetic person to be around. Very radical and loves everyone and everyone loves him. Determined to be friends with everyone and is trustworthy and loving. An amazing life force to be paired with. This person will balance you and bring movement and healing to your life. The utmost loyal and very affectionate to others. He is the type of person who is always center of attention but always humble and kind. He's very considerate and polite, always thinks of others feelings and emotions! You are lucky to have someone like this in your life. He loves life with his whole being and always laughing. This person deserves all your love and will return it 10 fold! You are blessed! Nick name: Radd.

Raddix is an amazing human life form!

by CJS September 20, 2014

(to) finneagle

To steal in a sophisticated and cunning manner. To convince (much like a confidence man) someone to part with a valuable and, if the finneagler is particularly skillful, to do so believing that it is actually what the finneagled want. Furthermore, to finneagle would be to convince someone that by handing over their valuables, it is helping the finneagler out of a jam or trouble.

I wonder if I could finneagle some cash. Who would be a pushover....who?

by CJS December 25, 2004

10👍 7👎