Source Code

Blow Ass

To Fart, Pass Gas, etc.

**Sean farts ("Blow Ass") silently; Everyone in the room smells it**

Josh: OMFG! Who the fuck blew ass on my Couch

by CJofATX June 15, 2009

25👍 9👎

Shit Hole

A Lousy, or low place; toilet

**After Running out of things to talk about:**

Damm John, you really let this conversation go down the shit hole.

by CJofATX June 15, 2009

29👍 24👎


To take back, or pull out of something (Usually used in transactions)

Man, I was boutta get that car from J-Ro, I had the money and everything, but he Renigged; talkin bout "I cant do it Man I need it."

by CJofATX June 15, 2009

94👍 52👎

Move Your Ass

A phrase interchangable with: excuse me, pardon me, move, etc.

Slow Walker: <i>Walking</i>

Guy in a Hury: OFMG! Move Your Ass

**Guy in a hurry detours from his path to get around the Slow Walker**

by CJofATX June 15, 2009

33👍 14👎