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Nysa is the kind of a person who’s an introverted extrovert. She is incredibly fine, and although she might not be good at maths, her English is on point. She’s super weird and funny. She has a weird way of making friends, most probably by weirding them out. She’s the kind of a person who’s confident in who she is and doesn’t mind publicising it. She’s a perfectionist, and she’ll try to get everything to go right, she’s also a hygiene freak. She’s everything mixed into one, a badass, a professional, a two year old, an egotistical, and Just overall amazing person. She’s kind at heart and says what’s on her mind! She’s like the result of happiness mixed with sadness. She likes everything Tumblr related. She doesn’t give a shit about how she’s dressed and she’s an amazing girlfriend!! She loves dogs and food!! she is an idiotic and amazing person.

Her: What’s she like?
Him: How do I explain it... she’s sort of a nysa.

by CUPCAKES4LYF January 10, 2018

27👍 8👎