Source Code

peas n carrots

peas as in 'peace' adding carrots to the mixture

person a: bye
person b: peas n carrots

by Caitlin February 26, 2005

42πŸ‘ 159πŸ‘Ž


She is a funny person who can always make you laugh. SheҀ™s a hard worker and does good in school. She is the most loyal friend you can ever find. She really pretty and never criticized anyone about them selfs. Over all Lilna is the best person you can ever meet!!!

You wanna grab some food - Kim
I canҀ™t IҀ™m hanging out with my bestie Lilna - Liz

by Caitlin November 28, 2018


See coolio. It's meaning is the same of coolio, but this one is usually only used when something is EXTRA cool.

"Man, that lion just ate a LLAMA! Coolioolio yo!"

by Caitlin March 29, 2005

17πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Studio hoe

1. A girl who is so hot and is know for being a insta baddie and a hoe
2. Most commonly found in short dresses with lots of makeup and is always going out

Damnnn thatҀ™s girls a studio hoe

by Caitlin June 28, 2020

3πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


To suddenly give a long speech that usually results in rambling and repeating of nonsence.

I shall now tell you how awful rants are, they are the bain of humans. If rants were plentiful humans would become extinct! Extinct I say!! Humans also need to pick cherries with automated cherry pickers as this results in more plentiful harvests resulting in more people whos brains have been nourished by cherries and intelligent cherry nourished people are less likely to rant than those raised on blueberry farms, because they are subjected to blueberry fumes, and they are toxic, like non-toxic glue. Made of horse hooves. Horses can also help prevent rants as you cannot rant while riding a horse and you can't ride a horse if there aren't horses because they have all been made into non-toxic glue. Do you understand rants now?

by Caitlin April 1, 2005

684πŸ‘ 277πŸ‘Ž


1. the act of shlepping
2. walking while frumping
3. walking in a tired, dragging motion
4. laying around
5. anything else that floats ur boat

"Michele was so tired, she just shlept around the house"

by Caitlin March 11, 2003

13πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


a word you can call someone in this fantastically confusing complement that is acctually a diss.

congradulations you're smarter than the average block!

by Caitlin August 31, 2004

5πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž