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Snoop Dogg

A west coast rapper whose First Album "Doggystyle" was one of the best hip-hop records ever and the song "Deep Cover" was the shit. Afterwards his albums became more and more garbage like especially when he was with No Lmit. His Garbageness diminished when he hooked up with Dre again in the song Still D.R.E. Now raps and sings with the Neptunes, has his own stupid TV show on MTV called Doggy-Fizzle and coined the most annoying phrase " fo-shizzle my nizzle".

Yo man, I heard that Snoop Dogg and Ja Rule were going to sing a duet this summer.

Snoop Dogg is the Scottie Pippen of hip-hop. He can't do it without DRE.

by Cameljockey January 29, 2005

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