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whipping boy

a) one who is usually blamed for things
b) the bitch in a relationship
c) a book in which the main character, the whipping boy, gets punished every time the prince does something bad.

a) i didn't download any files. it was him ::points to whipping boy::
b) matt is such a whipping boy. lilly is so his master.
c) i had to read The Whipping Boy in fifth grade.

by Cammie December 4, 2003

144👍 25👎

shit bag bitch ass hoe mother fucker

An insult generally used to insult someone that you hate with a passion

You shitbag bitch ass hoe mother fucker!!

by Cammie October 1, 2004

103👍 37👎


Issa Thot

Don't want her, she shantavious.

by Cammie March 13, 2017

1👍 4👎

newbie poop dick

a guy who has anal with other guys.

you're fuckin gay you newbie poop dick!

by Cammie September 24, 2004

13👍 16👎