Source Code


Originally used in card games to designate a card or mechanic which is overly powerful. May also be used to describe something as "too good"

That Academy combo is fucking broken.

That is just plain broken dude.

by CannibalGuppy October 27, 2003

168πŸ‘ 86πŸ‘Ž

starfighter pilot

Without a doubt, the absolute best profession that a person can have. Involves flying around in a small spacecraft and using your various inhuman skills and ridiculously named weapons to shoot down bad spacecraft, preferably piloted by evil aliens. In addition, starfigher pilots must speak in ludicrous pseudo military flight speak. Examples of starfigher pilots exist in Star Wars, Wing Commander, Battlestar Galactica, and The Last Starfighter.

Also the topic of a song by Snow Patrol.

"They came from behind!"

by CannibalGuppy June 4, 2004

42πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


Noun, the pungent mixture of dirt, urine, vomit and stale beer that accumulates on the floor of fraternity basements.

"There was so much gorf down there that my sneakers stuck to the floor."
"On warm days the gorf reeks so bad you can smell it across the street."

by CannibalGuppy May 6, 2007

36πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž

little black dress

What a girl wears when she is trying to catch the eye of a member of the opposite gender.

My math teacher wore a little black dress to class today. It was scary as hell.

by CannibalGuppy April 2, 2004

110πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

spotted hippo

An erudite idiom for beauty incarnate.

"That girl over there, she's a spotted hippo!"

by CannibalGuppy March 1, 2006

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


A word once used to mean "overweight", which has now changed meanings. Now it is used by thin white males referring to their sedentary, lethargic, or just plain lazy life styles.

I can't do the dishes, I'm to fat.

Dude, are you saying your so fat that you won't even walk upstairs?

by CannibalGuppy May 30, 2003

234πŸ‘ 209πŸ‘Ž


By default, the highest rating on a ten point scale.

"On a ten point scale I'd give that performance an eleven Lenny!"
"How fucking original Bob."

by CannibalGuppy January 3, 2005

80πŸ‘ 194πŸ‘Ž