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Cape Cod

Seriously the BEST PLACE ON THIS PLANET. Cape Cod is made up of locals, and then the fucking tourists. The locals are the hard working, lower/middle classes, who send their kids to a local Cape school. A local Cape Coddian doesn't have to be born on the Cape, rich, white, preppy, or part of the elite. To be considered a local, you have to have at least grown up on the Cape, you have to have had a majority of your k-12 schooling done on the Cape, you have to love everything to do with the ocean, you have to conservatively love the land and the people, but also be liberally willing to accept change. That's why you find so many Country Loving, AWESOME Rednecks on the Cape, especially in the Barnstable, Falmouth, Mashpee, area. The Cape is the melting pot of New England, also, you have to absolutely love Cape Girls, you have to love to have bonfires in the woods and on the beach, you have to love shotgunning beer, you have to love bending the rules, you need to be able to work with your hands, whether that be cars, doing landscaping, masonry, Cape Coddian's are tough, hardy, smart New Englanders. You also have to love Woods Hole. On the Cape you'll make some of the best friends, have some of the best hookups, meet some of the best girls/boys, go to some of the most lit bangers, and you'll learn to love trucks and how useful they are, and why being from the Cape is the best thing on Earth.

(Country Music Blasting in the f-150)
Foreman: What's the address Baxter?
Andrew: Woods Hole Gold Course

(arrive at the banger thats lit af with tons of Cape Girls having patron and beer)
Thats Cape Cod for you

by CapeCodRednecks January 31, 2017

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