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Are you shitting me

If asked as a stand alone question, it means - are you out of your f-n mind?

If asked as a question at the end of a story or scenario, it means - how can anyone on earth stoop so low!?

Are you shitting me? I mean, is this for real? How can a human beings be so dumb?

by CaptainAmetrine December 12, 2019

4👍 1👎


(1) A respectful name for a female friend. (2) An endearing term to address a female.

What's up, girlio? She's my girlio. Here's to you, girlio. You're an amazing girlio. I'm going to hangout with my girlio. From one girlio to another...

Female friendship, such as girlie or girlfriend.

by CaptainAmetrine January 23, 2019


A misspelling for Karen, who is often a female in United States. If unintentional, it could be a typo. If intentional, it may have a more derogatory or ambiguous meaning.

Do you remember Karen? Well, Karan is part of a new extracurricular organization.

by CaptainAmetrine August 16, 2021


In the southern United States - when a person says to another, whom he/she disapproves the behavior - the superior might say to the inferior that they are to have a PowWow at some given time. The topic may or may not be predefined, but the superior typically makes their concerns well known to the inferior in a dominating way.

Son, you better get your butt home. You and me are going to have a little PowWow about why you are always late.

by CaptainAmetrine May 29, 2019