Source Code


The acronym for "Laying On Bed Laughing"

Sam: Man last night while I was in bed watching a Youtube video on my iPhone I was LOBL!

Jack: What video was it?

Sam: I don't wanna say.

by CaptainJefe April 27, 2010

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Paintball Noob

A person that's new to Paintball.

Someone that wears like multiple layers of clothes because the fear of getting shot.

Hey do you see that guy over there?

Yeah, what a Paintball Noob.


Hey wanna go bunker that Paintball Noob?
Yeah he's wearing like 5 layers of clothes!

by CaptainJefe December 16, 2009

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


The act of a tool going being toolish and spreading it everywhere.

Bob: Have you heard the news?

Ron: No, I haven't. What's going on?

Bob: Some tool is preading their toolish behavior everywhere and more people are being turned into tools.

Ron: Oh, sounds like some Toolution is happening.

by CaptainJefe April 29, 2010


Frill meaning: Cool, Fresh, Awesome etc

n. "That Coca-Cola party room is frill!"

v. "Have you seen this new app? It's frill!"

by CaptainJefe July 17, 2010

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Working Lazy

It's when you have some work to do so you get your friend to help you so you say you need to get something inside and instead of getting what you "needed" you watch TV or something you would rather be doing. So you don't come back until the work is done or almost done.

Person 1: Awww!!!! I have so much work to do out here! Oh I know, I'll call a friend! (Calling his friend...)

Person 2: Hello?

Person 1: Hey can you come over to my place and help me get some work done faster? There's alot to do by myself.

Person 2: Yeah sure! I'll be right over!


Person 2: Whoa there is alot here let's get it done fast!

Person 1: Ok! Hey actually I need to get something inside, I'll be right back.

Person 2: Ok.


Person 1: Ok I'm back!

Person 2: Where were you? I got the job nearly done already!

Person 1: Yeah... About that there was a awesome movie on and I wanted to see it.

Person 2: You were Working Lazy and made me do everything!

Person 1: I didn't make you work you did it yourself!

Person 2: Whatever... This friendship is over!

Person 1: (As long I don't have to work my life is good!)

by CaptainJefe February 18, 2010

Caught Back In The Chat

When someone is still using text, chat lingo like: JK LOL in real life.

Rock 1: I'm gonna ROCK your world Rock 2!!

Rock 2: Ohhhhkaaayyy???

Rock 1: JK!!! LOL

Rock 2: Looks like you're still Caught Back In The Chat

by CaptainJefe June 30, 2010

6πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Blink Shot

When your getting your picture taken and right when it takes your picture you blink and your eyes are closed on the picture.

Hey, these are good photos of you!

Oh, thanks

Wait... Why are your eyes closed on this photo?

Aw... CRAP! It's a Blink Shot!

by CaptainJefe January 12, 2010

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