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1. godfather
2. a close friend
3. a classmate
4. a companion in war

mi compadre murio el sabado pasado en iraq.
los compadres duermien durante el clase.

by CardPenComic December 1, 2006

241👍 97👎


A type of boot popularized by Australians. They were made to be soft, comfortable, and to be worn in many different types of climates. In Australia, they are worn in both moutainous areas and on the beach. The boots became a trend in America/Europe in 2003, and are still considered fashionable today. The ugg boots come in many styles and colors, ranging from slippers to taller boots. They are very pricy, being made from sheepskin. A chemical spray can be bought seperately to make the outer skin water-repellent. If not worn with socks, the boots can get very smelly very quickly.

Chick 1. I'm getting new Uggs for my birthday!
Chick 2. You're lucky. All I got were Fuggs for my birthday.

by CardPenComic December 1, 2006

519👍 314👎

after awhile crocodile

A way of saying goodbye, followed by another person saying "see you later alligator". Can also be said "In a while crocodile".

See you later, alligator.
After awhile crocodile.

by CardPenComic December 1, 2006

65👍 38👎