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Jesse is one of the most bestest greatest friend you will ever have he is confusing good looking and he will make you feel feeling u have never ever felt he is so amazing he has dark eyes that u can stare into forever if he would let you also he has the most beautiful dark hair that is so soft and all you want to do is play with it but he sometimes probably won't let you anyway it's great to have a jesse in your life

Jesse you are the bestest guy friend I have ever had.

by Carla.ATX.RedRoses March 3, 2019


A amazing friend that will care for you even if u hurt her many times. Carla is a heartbroken soul that just wants to be loved. Carla is very pretty even though she denies it. She has long thick brown hair. She has brown skin and beautiful brown eyes. You can ask her for almost anything and she will try to help even if it gets her in trouble. Carla has been through a lot so plz don't stress her out. She may seem tough around people but when she gets home she is a very broke down emotional mess. Besides that she is a real keeper she will never switch up on you.

Kid 1: Hey do you know carla?
Me: Yes one day she will be the love of my life

by Carla.ATX.RedRoses November 27, 2019

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