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Back the days when things were more pure. To court meant to ask to date in the long lines of engagement to marriage. But now in the urban age " court " is a new reference mainly used in the black community. It now means to have sex with someone. Or planning on doing so. When you pronounce the word you pronounce it with a QWART ( long W sound ) QWWWHAHT

1. Dang man!, I've been going through a dry spell lately I NEED TO COURT!

2. Did you see Kassie at school today in that mini skirt? I so wanna COURT!

by Ceejae December 20, 2007

27👍 43👎


Back the days when things were more pure. To court meant to ask to date in the long lines of engagement to marriage. But now in the urban age " court " is a new reference mainly used in the black community. It now means to have sex with someone. Or planning on doing so. When you pronounce the word you pronounce it with a QWART ( long W sound ) QWWWHAHT

1. Did you see Katie today in that mini-skirt? * whooo* I just wanna court!

2. I've been going threw a dry spell lately. I so need to court! Where the girls at?

by Ceejae December 20, 2007

15👍 24👎