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The next decade after the 2010s, which will begin on January 1, 2021 and will end on December 31, 2030.

Most may think that it would begin on January 1, 2020 but considering how there's actually no year 0, the 2020s will begin on 2021 and end on 2030.

Goodbye 2010s, you will not be missed at all.

Hello 2020s, hopefully you're much better. But I'm personally not gonna expect them to be better because the more I expect out of something, the more disappointed I'll truly be.

by CelticEagle February 19, 2019

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Clean Rap

Rap music that has no explicit cuss words or graphic lyrics about sex, drugs, violence and various other taboo topics

Will Smith is known for his clean rap, and ironically he comes off as a better lyricist than most 2010s rappers.

by CelticEagle February 17, 2019


A type of warlock/male witch in Slavic mythology. Once translated into English it then says "Witcher".

Geralt of Rivia is one of the most notable vedmaks out there.

by CelticEagle February 18, 2019

Middle Finger to the Earth

Basically something that someone says when they lambast the works of J. R. R. Tolkien (mainly for ignorant reasons like thinking his stories are racist which is really not true).

SJW: Tolkien's stories are unbelievably racist! Middle-earth? How about a middle finger to the earth!

Tolkien fan: You do realize that his stories aren't really racist right? Saruman is white and he's one of the villains in Lord of the Rings. Is that enough for you?

by CelticEagle February 12, 2019

Low Shrieking

Any form of shrieking that sounds low.

Abbath (former frontman of Norwegian black metal band Immortal) is one of those black metal vocalists who often does low shrieking.

by CelticEagle May 6, 2019

No Pain, No Gain

Basically a phrase which means that if you really want something so bad, that it means so much to you then you're gonna have to work hard enough to get.

If you really want it that much then you'll always have to work hard for it. No pain, no gain.

by CelticEagle February 11, 2019

White Jesus

An incorrect depiction of Jesus (the central figure of Christianity) invented by Western painters to identify with the Christ better during those times.

Racist Christian: I just don't get why all the non-whites don't bow down to White Jesus.

Non-racist Christian: Dude, Jesus wasn't white. He was Jewish. There's a difference.

by CelticEagle February 5, 2019

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