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Onalaska, Washington

A small, unincorporated community within Lewis County, Washington. The name for the town comes from the poem The Pleasures of Hope by Thomas Campbell.

I grew up in Onalaska, Washington and I personally liked it. It was much better than growing up in the big city.

by CelticEagle February 13, 2019

Pre-Internet Meme

Basically, a meme that existed way before the evolution and popularization of the internet. Memes have actually been around as long as 2,000 years with the oldest one in history being the Sator Square.

Some of the most notable pre-internet memes are Killroy Was Here, Frodo Lives, Bert Is Evil and Andre the Giant Has a Posse.

To be honest, I prefer pre-internet memes over 2010s memes. But unfortunately, there wasn't any internet to post them back then so I highly doubt anyone back then who shared Frodo Lives even knew who Frodo Baggins was or what Lord of the Rings even was considering how like I said, there was no internet back then.

by CelticEagle February 11, 2019


Short for Fantasy Music Video. Made while splicing clips of different fantasy shows, movies and games together in order to create a fanmade music video.

I'm thinking about making an FMV out of The Chronicles of Narnia by using the Phish song Prince Caspian

by CelticEagle February 10, 2019

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The Balance Between Good and Evil

Basically what life is all about. No one is truly good and no one is truly evil. People may be black and white emotionally but we're all really grey because we have good and bad in all of us.

However, this doesn't mean that one should actually strive to be evil. We're all imperfect so we're bound to make mistakes sometimes, but what's most important is that we learn from them and prevent ever doing them again.

The yin and the yang pretty much describes the balance between good and evil.

by CelticEagle February 13, 2019


Something that everyone on the internet loves to make fun of despite not knowing anything about it. Like, at all.

Most people with autism are stereotyped as immature and mentally delayed which is really not true at all. It's not a mental illness, but a developmental disorder. And there's actually more high functioning autists than low functioning autists and a majority of them are mostly innocent and not seriously disabled.

by CelticEagle July 12, 2019

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Epic Animation

Any animated TV show or movie that focuses on action, adventure and epicness rather than comedy.

Avatar: The Last Airbender is one of my favorite epic animations from the Western world. It's rare to find Western cartoons that focus more on being epic rather then pandering to kids with immature humor that adults wouldn't take seriously.

by CelticEagle February 14, 2019

No Age Has All the Goods

A saying used to describe the fact that no one at any age has it easy (not kids, not teens, not adults, not anyone at all).

Being a kid is tough because you gotta go to school, you go to bed earlier, you make the dumbest decisions in life, and you're not even old enough to do things like watch R-rated movies, drive cars, or own your own house.

Being an adult is also tough because you lose your innocence, you have to work on things by yourself most of the time, you have to pay taxes, and you have to work a job you don't like.

The truth is that no age has all the goods. Every age has its pros and cons. The only thing that matters is that you're still alive and you still have some time to hang out with your friends and have fun. Don't ever think that all the good times you've ever had are now gone just because you're all grown up because the fact is that you're still living them most of the time. You're alive. Live.

by CelticEagle February 16, 2019