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Tray is the cute girl translation for the fat girl name of Tracey. Tray is the female you invite to a party when you plan on getting so sloppy you can't walk home. this female can down a fifth and the navigate the GPS all the way home. In a fight, if you get first pick, pick tray.

"I have no clue how I got home last night, but I'm pretty sure Tray carried me for 6 blocks"

by Chaddington January 26, 2017

2👍 2👎


This young blood has a rep as a heavy smoker. If you can't find him on the LAX field with his big stick you can for sure find him out back smoking a G by himself. This mf needs no one's help. don't ask him for notes or homework because theres a 100% chance he didn't do it anyway.

"dude I left an ounce of weed we roates, and now its gone"

by Chaddington January 26, 2017


often referred to as the 'resident douchebag', you can 100% guarantee that this mf will eat all of your food when high. do not trust this chad with your female because he has been known to swoon.

Nick: Dude my girlfriend left me
Kevin: well you shouldn't have left her alone with chad

by Chaddington January 26, 2017

127👍 77👎


Commonly confused with the leafy green but does like to smoke it. This female has a super power and she can taste the rainbow. She is a bad bitch.

Swag Money Kail

by Chaddington January 26, 2017

32👍 13👎