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Gorgeous guru

When an absolutely insanely gorgeous beautiful woman is intensely staring at her computer and learning like a guru. It's a total package if she is gorgeous ad intelligent.

My fiance is a total gorgeous guru. I watch football and she learns things in her computer at the same time. This usually results in a symbiotic relationship.

by Challbaby82 October 2, 2016

neuron jacking

It is possible for a person with less brain cells to hijack extra brain cells from a highly intelligent person. The most common method is when a guy sleeps with his girlfriend's head against his while sort of trapping her with his arms. When the person receiving the transfer wakes up they instantly feel smarter and know that it worked. The girlfriend will wake up feeling the same because her neurons and glial cells regenerate at a very rapid rate. This is a symbiotic relationship because the girl is just as smart yet her boyfriend isn't quite as dumb and she doesn't have to put up with his dumb ass as much.

"Im much smarter today. I think the neuron jacking worked last night "

by Challbaby82 June 8, 2016

crystal shattering sex

A rare phenomena that happens when two people are having extremely hot sex. Crystal glasses all around the house began to shatter spontaneously. It is usually best to do a safety check and make sure no glass shards will be flying around the room. While this is fun it is also sometimes dangerous and safety should be taken into consideration first.

"My girlfriend and I have crystal shattering sex!"

by Challbaby82 June 6, 2016

Mississippi firecracker

When you are fucking a chic and she squirts out of her ass a little poo.

"Damn girl! That was a Mississippi firecracker!"

by Challbaby82 June 25, 2016

Hot girlfriend loco

A temporary state of insanity that happens when a guy realizes he has a super hot girlfriend. It is usually quite unpredictable what he will do or say during a serious case of hot girlfriend loco.

"He has either lost his mind or he is just hot girlfriend loco."

by Challbaby82 June 3, 2016

hot girlfriend loco

A temporary state of insanity that happens when a guy realizes he has a super hot girlfriend. It is usually quite unpredictable what he will do or say during a serious case of hot girlfriend loco.

"He has either lost his mind or is just hot girlfriend loco."

by Challbaby82 June 3, 2016

Hot girlfriend loco

A temporary state of insanity that happens when a guy realizes he has a super hot girlfriend. It is usually quite unpredictable what he will do or say during a serious case of hot girlfriend loco.

"He has either lost his mind or he is just hot girlfriend loco."

by Challbaby82 June 3, 2016