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The large category of any joke related to that of a Jew, Jewish customs, or the Jewish religion. A Jew joke.

Normally, I would find that man's Jewokes offensive, but the way he incorporated the Jew into every instance made it quite comical.

by CharitableNinja October 14, 2009

25👍 2👎

Jack to Jack

The Jack to Jack (Back to Back Jack) Is the attempt to masturbate immediately following a previous orgasm.

I attempted a Jack to Jack but I was to sensitive to continue.

by CharitableNinja February 9, 2009

52👍 5👎


The rebirth of a recently lost erection.

I originally had a boner from seeing Kate's thong; but once I lost it, I had a resserection immediately after because of Jessica's cleavage.

by CharitableNinja November 22, 2009

22👍 9👎


The process of lying down with no intentions of taking a nap, but ending up falling asleep anyway against your will.

When I went to go lie down on the couch to read my book, I ended up getting naped and didn't wake up for 2 hours.

by CharitableNinja October 10, 2009

56👍 61👎