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dress up and travel

A slang term or euphemism for "dating" originated from the Taiwanese dub of The Owl House, where Amity says "我們盛裝出遊吧!" which translates to "Let's dress up and travel together!"

The dub has been ridiculed and memed on so much that it has now become a meme in the Owl House fandom and is spreading to other cartoon fandoms.

Amity: "Let's dress up and travel together!"
Luz: "Noooo.... I was so ready."
Amity: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, you can say it."
Luz: "Amity Blight, let's dress up and travel together!"
Amity: "Yes!"
Luz: "Okay!"

by ChickyBro December 16, 2021

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