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"Y" abuse

"Y" abuse is the liberal substitution of the letter "y" for other more traditional vowels, typically "e" "a" and "i", in someones first (or given) name.

This phenomenon is part of a larger trend today in which people are desperately trying to out-do each other in giving their newborn child the most ridiculous sounding or wildly irrational spelling of a first name possible, as if there some unspoken competition going on.

Examples of "Y" abuse would include the following bastardizations of traditional names...Trystyn, Syvannah, Nycole, Alyxandra, Morgyn, Austyn, or Veronyca.

by ChimneySweepGreg February 19, 2011

10👍 2👎

Cautiously Pessimistic

An increasingly relevant wordplay on the cliché "cautiously optimistic". As the world continues in free fall, its much more realistic to expect negative outcomes. Therefore, its much more pragmatic to maintain a cautiously pessimistic demeanor, rather than a cautiously optimistic one.

My cat is always cautiously pessimistic when inspecting anything new that I bring into the house.

by ChimneySweepGreg August 10, 2012

Thirty Late

Generally someone who's age is in their late thirties. Also useful when you are approaching the age of 40, and you don't really want to admit you are right up against the big 4-0, you instead say "thirty late" because it could mean you are 37, instead of 39½.

That girl I went to school with is thirty late, she should know better than to be fooling around with a douchebag loser like that Rick guy.

by ChimneySweepGreg December 30, 2011